Our Fees
We work under four different schemes of fees:
Our fees are charged based on the fees agreed in advance with the client in the event our counseling is required for a specific work.
In the event our client decides to retain permanent legal counsel, we will charge our fees based on a fixed monthly fee which will be readjusted every twelve (12) months.
This rate will be applied to specific consultations that may be handled over the telephone or for the time devoted to meetings notincluded under any of the above schemes. It also applies to thoseclients that prefer to be billed for the time actually devoted to those matters entrusted to us.
Differential fees will be agreed depending on the nature, amount and complexity of each matter.
Send us a message
Santa Barbara Headquarters
Avenida 19 No. 120 - 71 Office.210
Building Falabella
Bogotá D.C - Colombia
(57-1) 356 21 21 Ext. 107
Headquarters Bella Suiza
Avenue Cra 9 No. 127 C - 60 Office 311
Building Suisse Center
Bogotá D.C - Colombia
(57-1) 694 6974 - 6946915
Contact Us
Santa Barbara Headquarters
Address: Avenida 19 No. 120 - 71 Office. 210
Building Torre Banco Falabella
Tel: (57-1) 356 21 21 Ext. 107
Headquarters Bella Suiza
Avenue Cra 9 No. 127 C - 60 Office 311
Building Suisse Center
Bogotá D.C - Colombia
Tel: (57-1) 694 6974 - 6946915
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Site created by MP Soluciones informaticas - pimiento.mauricio@gmail.com - 2016.